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Mold biology

Molds are micro-organism of fungi kingdom that feed on decaying organic matter of plants and animals. Apart from food molds also need right amount of moisture and temperature to grow and expand in number.  Moisture is the utmost requirement and a possible clue that can hint on possible existence of mold colonies. Some molds can survive extreme conditions. Such as there are species that can exist in below freezing point temperature of Polar Regions as well as there are some that can survive extreme heat of Sahara.  Molds can absorb posture either from air or from the moisture in the surface they are living on.  Molds are ubiquitous and they can be found on material l. They can prosper in both indoor and outdoor conditions. They can be behind your cupboards, in wall cracks, on ceilings etc. in your house.

If you are on look for a highly reputed mold inspection service provider in New York, than don’t look any further. We are the best rated moldinspection expert in all of in all of New York.Mold test is what we specialize in and we don’t do mold remediation.  We know that you are not an expert on mold and how and why it should be detected. We not only providemold inspection services but make it a point to educate our clients about mold. We want our clients to be aware of mold sources and problems, so that they can plan better in future.


Mold is a fungus that grows in the form of multicellular filaments also known as hyphae. A hypha is a long, branchingfilamentous structure of a fungus. Hyphae are collectively called mycelium and in molds are main medium of vegetative growth.

Mold Spores

Molds expand their population by producing mold spores.These spores can be both asexual and sexual. The word spore derives its meaning from ancient Greek word spora, which literally means seed. The function of spores in a way is like a seed which grows to become mold. These spores can withstand extreme weather conditions of high humidity, temperature and pressure. . Mold spores are too small to be visible through naked eye without any aid, however molds   can be viewed with the help of a microscope. Large growth of molds in form of mold colonies can be seen through naked eye. Large mold colonies result in discoloration of surface on which they are growing. The surface often turns black, brown or green.

About us

Molds can be virtually anywhere. They exist from places ranging back side of furniture under the carpet. You may not see them, but they may be growing under your nose. A mold inspection is required whenever a family member shows a symptom of some sickness, possibly caused by mold exposure Read more...

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