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Mold spores and Asthma

A spore is a unit of asexual reproduction that can be used for either dispersal or for survival.  These are an important part of the life cycle of a variety of fungi including mold.  The term spore is derived from ancientGreek word ‘spora’ which means ‘seed’.   Spore is in contrast with gametes which will need other gametes to combine with, whereas spores will themselves germinate to sporeling. Hence, in essence spores are units of asexual reproduction while gametes are unit of sexual reproduction.

Mold spores are too small to be visible through naked eye unaided. But the largest concentration of mold spores in the surrounding air can often be perceived in the form of foul moldy smell. These mold spores, though can be seen with the help of a microscope. An expert mold inspector will collect samples from various places in the house at different times. This is done because the mold spore concentration in the air can vary depending on time and place. More samples to ensure that this behavior is normalized. These samples are then analyzed in labs to confirm mold concentration.

Do you have a house or an office in New York City?  Have you grown concerned suspecting any mold presence in your house or office? Do you smell some foul, strange smell in your house off late?Have you had any leakage problem recently in your property? Did you notice any signs of discoloration on the walls or furniture in your house? If your answer to any of the above questions is positive, thenit’s high time you consult some mold inspection experts.  We are one of the best known companies doing mold test. New York City is covered at all corners by our services. Please get in touch if you need mold testing services.

Relationships between mold spores and Asthma

It has been shown exposure to even moderate concentrations of mold can put children under the age of two at a higher risk of acquiring various respiratory disorders.  Also in people suffering with Asthma, there exists a proven co-relation between the damp conditionof the house and upper respiratory tract symptoms. The damp condition actually offers ideal conditions for mold growth. Penicillin, a type of mode put infants put the infants at a greater risk of respiratory problems in the first year. The children who are exposed to Penicillium have increased chances of acquiring Asthma later.

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Molds can be virtually anywhere. They exist from places ranging back side of furniture under the carpet. You may not see them, but they may be growing under your nose. A mold inspection is required whenever a family member shows a symptom of some sickness, possibly caused by mold exposure Read more...

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