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Molds pose a lot of health issues to us. Most of these issues are arising from toxins produced by molds. These toxins produce many health related side effects on the people coming in contact. Though not all molds are toxic and at times our body may be immune to these toxins.

Market is full of hoardings and marketing copies from mold inspection and mold testing service providers claiming best service in mold testing. New YorkCity has plenty of these ‘best’ service providers. They all say, “We are the best in class mold inspection service provider in the city of New York”. We don’t make false claims. We don’t run around bragging that we are the best. You just need to go with our track record. Long list of satisfied customers is a testimony to our professionalism and expertise in mold inspection. We are available for mold inspection in all of New York City. Please contact us if you have any doubt of having mold on your property. We value your and your family’s health as you do.



Molds produce a toxic secondary metabolite also called mycotoxin.  It is still un known why molds produce mycotoxin. These toxins as such are not used for any biological process among molds. Hence existence of mycotoxin is in a way mystery to the biologist. But it does have some positives for molds.  A single species of mold can produce many different varieties of mycotoxin. Also asame specific type of mycotoxin can be produced by many different varieties of mold species.  As said earlier, molds do get some advantages because of mycotoxin.  Mycotoxin helps molds to further expand mold colonies.

Mycotoxin weakens the system of organisms who receives it.  The strength ofmycotoxin produced by molds depends upon intrinsic and extrinsic surrounding environment. Exposure to mycotoxin can introduce various problems in residents of the place.  Exposure to very high concentration of molds or in other words mycotoxin can lead to serious neurological disorders. In some case these effects can often lead to death of the patient. Mycotoxin concentration can reach a very high level when mold colonies are formed.
Mycotoxin can be part of mold spore or mold fragments. And hence, they can be found on the surface where they exist. A person cans acquire mycotoxin by inhaling the air with high mold concentration or by dermal exposure.

About us

Molds can be virtually anywhere. They exist from places ranging back side of furniture under the carpet. You may not see them, but they may be growing under your nose. A mold inspection is required whenever a family member shows a symptom of some sickness, possibly caused by mold exposure Read more...

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