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Types of Mold Tests

Mold testing in houses is required to confirm if the house have a mold problem or not. A mold inspection will involve a quality check of samples from various surfaces, water and air in your home. These samples are analyzed thoroughly to figure out the concentration and types of molds in the home. These concentrations are then compared with standard acceptable concentration which is considered as safe. The mold inspector will recommend a mold remediation plan if required based on the severity of the problem. Some of these inspection companies also provide mold remediation services. We are a premier service provider in the city doing mold inspection. New York cityhas full of mold complaints and hence existed, we, providing a detailed mold inspection report to our clients.

Types of mold tests

A basic mold test consists of a visual inspection. This can be done without professional help, just that you need to look out at all suspected places. Mold colonies when expand causes visible discoloration of surfaces on which they are formed. The surfaces changes color upon severely infected by mold presence; often turning brown, green, white or black. The downside of this method is that you can notice the presence of molds only when they grow beyond a certain level. Individual molds cannot be seen with naked eyes. They are visible only inthe form of mold colonies.

For a more detailed and accurate report professional help is needed for mold testing. These professional generally collectdifferent kinds of sample and later lab test them for commenting on the scope of the mold problem.

Surface testing

Surface testing involves collecting samples of various surfaces from the home. These surface samples are generally collected by swabbing the suspected surfaces in the house. Mold spores may not be likely to be present at all surfaces. Hence all the suspected surfaces are swabbed to collect samples. These samples are then sent to labs for detailed examination

Material testing

Professional mold inspectors collect various pieces materials which can be suspected to be occupied by molds.  These samples are later studied under microscopes to look for mold presence in them.

Air testing

Air testing is carried out by taking samples of air from the house at multiple places and at different times. This is done because the concentration of mold spores in the air may not be same at all times and places. So multiple tests help mold inspectors, normalize that behavior

About us

Molds can be virtually anywhere. They exist from places ranging back side of furniture under the carpet. You may not see them, but they may be growing under your nose. A mold inspection is required whenever a family member shows a symptom of some sickness, possibly caused by mold exposure Read more...

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